Title: Regions as tabs using ExtJS...
I'm working on an ExtJS-Theme right now. One of the first features i wanted to integrate was to show regions as tabs, but i wanted it to be defined only by the position of the region and its template. To do that i created the following region template.
The attribute class=”x-tab” marks the regions that should be displayed as tabs. The title attribute defines the name of the tab (title=”#TITLE#”). Now we have to change a few things in our page template. For my little example i want all regions in the BOX_BODY area to be displayed as tabs, so i place the #BOX_BODY# inside a div-tag.
Next thing to do is to put the following javascript inside the page-template too. It uses the autoTabs-Option of ExtJS, which creates tabs based on existing markup.
In this script two parameters are important. First one is the “autoTabs:true”, which triggers the ExtJS feature we're using to replace our normal regions with tab-regions. Second one is “applyTo: ‘box_body’”, which defines the div-region this feature should be used on. Now we are ready to display regions as tabs by setting our created region template and positioning the region inside the BOX_BODY.
The result should look something like this.
By the way, the usual conditions to show or hide the regions still work.