This morning i needed to show some data in a simple ExtJS tree... Just a view categories with a few children each.... I could have created the needed json string with the pl/sql function i described in an earlier post, but i finally decided to build a little report template to use for this easy stuff...
That's what i came up with....
Create a new report template of type "Named Column (row template)"... I called mine "ExtJS_Tree_Report"...
Define the Row Templates as follows...
Row Template 1
<br />{ "text" : "#CATEGORY#"<br /> , "expanded" : true<br /> , "leaf" : false<br /> , "children" : [<br /> { "text" : "#NAME#"<br /> , "id" : "#ID#"<br /> , "leaf" : true<br /> }<br />
Use Based on PL/SQL Expression:
<br />#ROW_ASC#=1 and #ROWNUM#=1<br />
Row Template 2
<br />]},{ "text" : "#CATEGORY#"<br /> , "expanded" : true<br /> , "leaf" : false<br /> , "children" : [<br /> { "text" : "#NAME#"<br /> , "id" : "#ID#"<br /> , "leaf" : true<br /> }<br />
Use Based on PL/SQL Expression:
<br />#ROW_ASC#=1 and #ROWNUM#!=1<br />
Row Template 3
<br />,{ "text" : "#NAME#"<br /> , "id" : "#ID#"<br /> , "leaf" : true<br /> }<br />
Use Based on PL/SQL Expression
<br />#ROW_ASC#!=1<br />
Before Rows
<br /><div id="tree-div#REGION_STATIC_ID#"></div><br /><script type="text/javascript"><br />Ext.onReady(function(){<br /> new Ext.tree.TreePanel({<br /> renderTo : 'tree-div#REGION_STATIC_ID#',<br /> border : false,<br /> id : 'tree-panel',<br /> margins : '2 2 0 2',<br /> autoScroll : true,<br /> rootVisible : false,<br /> root:{ <br /> "text" : "rootnode",<br /> "expanded" : true,<br /> "children" : [<br />
After Rows
<br /> ]} <br /> ]}<br /> }); // new Ext.tree.TreePanel... <br />}); //Ext.onReady...<br /><br /></script><br />
Now, create a new report region in your page with the following statement...
<br />select dname as CATEGORY<br /> , empno as ID<br /> , ename as NAME<br /> , rank() over (partition by emp.deptno order by empno asc) as ROW_ASC<br />from emp, dept<br />where emp.deptno=dept.deptno<br />
These are the minimum columns my report template needs...
In the report attributes select your created report template and disable pagination...
That's it... Your result should look like this....
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